How long is a session?

Typically a SCHH® session lasts around 3.5 hours. Please keep the day in your diary clear and avoid arranging activities afterwards as it is important to rest after the session.

What do I need to prepare beforehand?

On the day of your SCHH® session make sure you eat a light nutritious meal beforehand (avoiding heavy foods that may aggravate your digestive system is best) and avoid strongly caffeinated drinks or other addictive substances. It is also advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol the night before. The session is quite long so you are encouraged to have water with you.

Claire will have sent you an email at least one week prior to your session with a questionnaire attached for you to complete. Please get this back to her at least 72 hours before your appointment so she can prepare fully. Your questions that you would like to pose to your Higher Self will be requested on this questionnaire.

Can I have the SCHH® session online?

Yes, Laura Whitworth designed this modality so the session can be conducted online via Zoom. You will need a robust internet connection (wired from the router is preferrable) and a headset with a microphone attached which is positioned in front of the mouth so Claire can hear you (even if you are whispering). Please be aware if you do not have a headset with an attached microphone and a good stable internet connection the session can not go ahead and you should consider an in-person session instead. If you have any queries regarding this you can contact Claire via the enquiry form and she will answer any concerns you have about the technology requirements.

Can I have a SCHH® session with Claire online, I do not live in the UK?

Yes, Claire is accredited and fully insured to conduct the sessions worldwide (including the USA and Canada). You will need to enquire about suitable appointment times that will be agreeable to both yourself and Claire in accordance with the time differences between your locations.

What happens if we lose the internet connection during the session, is it dangerous to be hypnotised online?

Although losing an internet connection during a session is rare, if this was to happen you would allow yourself to slowly drift out of the place of nice relaxation when you are ready. You are in complete control and much like you would do when you listen to a guided meditation and the meditation ends you would bring yourself out. This can be by falling asleep or sometimes you will come straight out and become fully alert again. Either route is fine. Because entering theta is a natural state, once you no longer hear Claire's voice you will gradually become more alert and return to full consciousness so have no worries around this.

How do I determine if SCHH® and Entity Release is the right modality for me?

This modality helps the client achieve deep relaxation of the body and mind. Gently guiding, exploring and working with parts of the ‘Self’ with the clients internal family system, it is particularly good for those clients who have issues connecting to their past lives and/or Higher Self. Traumatic events occurring in a persons lifetime can cause the nervous system to become unbalanced and overwhelmed. This state can then encourage dark energetic attachments that are completely unknown to the client. In a SCHH® session, all entities, unattached burdens, Earthbound spirits, negatively polarised beings, dark beings, A.I. and implants are removed prior to past life regression and/or quantum travel, therefore aiding a better connection to the Higher Self as these emotions are no longer negatively influencing the session. SCHH® is conducted by placing the highest of compassion for all beings concerned, so it can be a really comforting experience for a client to participate in.

What is parts work and IFS?

Parts work is an umbrella term for therapy approaches that aim to identify and resolve conflicts between different parts of the self. The most common and well known form of parts work therapy is IFS (Internal Family Systems), which helps people identify, understand and embrace the various parts of themselves. Claire is currently undergoing training with the IFS Institute to become IFS Informed.

I have been told I can't be hypnotised before, will this work for me?

SCHH® is particularly good in these circumstances (as discussed above), however we all automatically fluctuate between the 4 trance states (Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta) throughout the day and night, so it is a completely natural and relaxing state to be in. Have you ever driven somewhere only to find you can't remember the whole journey? Or another typical example is watching TV. We are often in a state of light trance for both of these situations. When we fall asleep we go through the theta level naturally and then the same theta level as we awaken, and this is the level of trance you will be in for your session which can lead onto the somnambulistic state.

I'm worried about what will happen during the session, will it be embarrassing?

Not at all, your Higher Self will never give you more information than you can handle and would never embarrass you. It is a loving part of you that only wants the best for your development.

I don't believe in past lives and reincarnation, how could this benefit me?

It is not necessary for you to believe in past lives and reincarnation for you to benefit from the session. Those without preconceived ideas often have profound experiences as they come to the sessions with no assumptions. Some people feel like their unconscious mind sends them messages and symbols during the session, such as you would receive in a dream. This information can lead to deep insight and heartfelt revelations for you.

Is Past Life Regression safe?

Past Life regression is perfectly safe and conducted with no judgement. The Higher Self has great wisdom and knowledge and will only show you what it knows you are capable of receiving and what will help you in your present life. You can trust that the help you will receive is comforting, healing and a gift to your development.

What participation do you need from me during the session?

Firstly, come with an open mind. Your co-operation is an essential part of the session. Claire will be asking you to answer questions and say the very first thing that comes to your mind. Sometimes the information may seem irrelevant (or even silly occasionally) however they will all make sense in the end and it is important that you TRUST what comes to you. People interpret these messages in different formats... some visualise and get imagery, some get a feeling or an impression/awareness, and others hear the information. There is no right or wrong way of interpreting what you receive, they are all very relevant. The important thing is that you say the very first thing that comes to you without trying to filter the information. The more descriptive you can be the better. Remember Claire can not see, hear, feel, smell or taste any of the sensations you are experiencing so it is better for the session if you can explain everything in as much detail as possible.

Will I remember everything that happened during the hypnosis?

As you go through the session you fluctuate between alpha, deep alpha and theta brainwave states. Because of this, parts of the session you will remember very well and other parts will seem more vague (similar to how you are in a dream state), however everything whilst you are under hypnosis is recorded for you so you can listen to it afterwards. Even if you feel you remembered every single word, you may find you are surprised when you listen back. Listening to the recording is very important as it will cement healing and continue to give you more insights the more you listen to it.

Will I need more than one session, how do I protect myself from further attachments?

During your SCHH® session, the clearing of any attachments you have and resealing your aura can take a considerable time, so you may need another appointment to conduct past life regression and the Higher Self section. Keeping you in the theta brainwave state is not advisable for longer than 2 to 2.5 hours as this can be very tiring for you. If this happens you can discuss a second session with Claire at a mutually convenient time. As for protecting yourself from further negative energy attachments going forward, Claire will discuss this with you at the end of the session. Keeping a good psychic hygiene practice can aid in maintaining a clear and stable energy field and help prevent the absorption of further unwanted energies.